[Speculative Work]        October, 2013 - December, 2013     Project Location:    San Francisco, California, U.S.     Project Type:    Working, Residential Complex     Program:    50,000km2, Residential, Office, Data Center, Ag
  The project proposes an urban renewal strategy for Google to initiate construction of a new campus in 2050, utilizing the abandoned San Francisco Bay bridge as its data center and horizontal circulation core.       The proposal focuses on
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  The campus accommodating 10000 people’s working and living space. Basic structure of the suspension bridge remained untouched, whereas the interstitial space within the truss will accommodate a linear data center. Top of the bridge functions as a c
  With transportation and energy processing towers supporting the irregular truss system above, the new complex were entirely self-supporting. The truss system is constructedin an accumulating manner, responding to parameters of structure, program an
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